Darren Stein
Official Site of the Poet
Poetry is about being human and sharing that humanity, so that others can feel comfortable being human too.
Books, Short Stories & Poetry
Storage Space: A Collection of Contemporary Poetry (2008), by Xlibris Press was Darren Stein's first anthology and detailed his experiences in South Africa during the last years of Apartheid as well as other events of his young, adult life.
The book is available via Amazon and Amazon Kindle.
Stop all the clocks (2022), by Midnight Sparrow Press is Darren Stein's third anthology.
The book is available on both Amazon and Amazon Kindle.
"The Verdict" and "The Second Coming", featured in Apricity Magazine, December Issue (2016).
The Nut House Poems (2014), by Red Dashboard Publishing is Darren Stein's second anthology and details his battle with mental illness and other aspects of his adult life. A bittersweet combination of hardship and humor.
The book is available on Amazon Kindle.
"Out of concern for my own wellbeing", dis*or*der II: Mental Illness and its Affect (influence), (2015) edited by Elizabeth Aikin Stelling, Red Dashboard Publications.
"Gaza" and "July 2014", Metaphor: Modern and Contemporary Poetry, Issue 3 (2015)
"All that remains", {Extinguished & {Ex}tinct: An anthology of things that no longer exist (2014), edited by John McCarthy, Twelve Winters Press.

"I never knew what Apartheid was", Words Apart, Social Privilege, Issue 5 (2014).
Various Haikus published in Haiku and Humour: A collection of international poetry (2014), edited by Jill Darragh, Rangitawa Press.
"The Rabbi and the Vampire", The Paranormal Issue, The Corner Club Press (2014).

"Triple Letter Score", The Earl of Plaid, Court Jester Issue, October 2014.
"Reflections on a failed suicide", dis*or*der : Mental Illness and its Affect (influence), (2014) edited by Elizabeth Aikin Stelling, Red Dashboard Publications.

Journal of
"A Year 6 Excursion to Nielson Park", The Journal of Microliterature, May 18th 2014.
"Casualties of Context", Poetica Magazine, Fall 2013.
"Synagogue seating on the Day of Atonement", Poetica Magazine, Fall 2014.

"Gaza, 2014", The Palestine Chronicle, July 28th 2014.
"The Toll Troll", Of Hexes & Hauntings: Tales from the Other Side, edited by Victoria Jones & Andrew Young, Witty Bard Publications, 2014.

Two illustrations, Depression 2012 and Normal, featured in HeadSpace Magazine, Issue 2 (2014).
Illustration, The Real Terror, featured in Arnett, J. (2012) Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood (5th Edition), Pearson.
"Palestine", The Oddville Press, Volume II, Issue II, 2014.
Three poems, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, December 2014.

Kibitz Spot
"How the JNF robbed me of my birthday presents", Kibitz Spot, April 27th 2012.
"Soccer Girls", Quail Bell Magazine, February 2017.
"Soccer Girls", Coffee with Underhill (Podcast), 12th January 2017.
"Diabetes 1"; "Diabetes 2", Treehouse Arts, June 2018.
"Trafficking", Coffee with Underhill (Podcast), 13th April 2018.
"Trafficking", Peeking Cat Anthology 2018,
October 2018.
"High School Cockatoos", Pigeonholed, Going Down Swinging, Issue 38, 2018.
"Resurrection"; "On reading Psalm 137"; "Aural Dilemma; On the border",
Foreign Lit
"The lost in translation"; "Kim's Pic, Merely a tourist", Foreign Literary Journal, Issue 2. August 2019.
Corners of the World: Of the Book - Tales of Jewish Horror and Folklore, Madness Heart Press, 2019.
The Doll Hospital, Quadrant, December 2020. Vol. LXIV, No. 12, No. 572.

"Visiting the Cemetery", Growth in Grief, edited by S.P.A. Robertson, Wingless Dream, 2023.
"The man in the yellow jumper", "Policies of assimilation and integration", Synaeresis, Beliveau Books. Issue 23, 2023.

Darren Stein was born in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1973, and immigrated to Australia in 1996. He teaches History, English and Special education on Sydney's North Shore and is an advocate for mental health issues and the educational rights of children with Autism.
Darren holds five degrees, including three Masters degrees, and studied at both Sydney University and UNSW.
He writes on a broad range of topics and genres and has been published in the USA, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.
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